Around the world

An interactive checklist that helps kids develop and follow bedtime routines

/PrototypING + Usability Testing


10 weeks


Product Designer

User Researcher



Scott Ichikawa

Jon Froehlich


3 Designers

1 Engineer


Over a span of 10 weeks, the team discovered that children frequently struggle with sticking to a bedtime routine, leading to issues like bedwetting. To address this, our team developed Around the World, a dynamic checklist that enables parents to establish and sustain a structured bedtime routine for their kids.

Over a span of 10 weeks, the team designed, tested, and refined the design using various types of prototypes, with the goal of assisting parents rather than replacing them by reducing stress and anxiety associated with bedtime routines. Our design incorporates lights, audio, and captivating facts from different parts of the world to engage and inspire children to complete their pre-bedtime tasks.


As the UX designer on the team, I was responsible for:

  • Conducting desk research to understand the problem space

  • Brainstorming ideas, creating wireframes, and building prototypes

  • Moderating 4 usability testings with parents and children

  • Conducting 4 user interviews with parents and synthesize findings

  • Iterating designs to address findings from usability testing

  • Documenting the overall process with photos and videos

Problem definition

The design prompt was to design a new interactive digital-physical artifact that mediates care in the home. To investigate the broad prompt, our team conducted extensive desk research and literature reviews to gain a better understanding of the various types of care and the specific challenges associated with them. In addition, for each identified problem, we brainstormed potential design concepts.

Different types of care our team explored

The ideas we brainstormed based on our initial findings from different problem spaces

Taking into account factors like alignment with the design prompt, feasibility, peer feedback, and personal interest, we used a dot-voting method to narrow down our problem space. As a result, we decided to focus on the area centered on parent-child care.

We received feedback from our peers

We synthesized all the feedback as a team

Problem Setting

After conducting more preliminary research on home challenges related to child-parent relationships, the team found that some kids struggle with bed wetting problems even after being potty trained, and one reason for this problem was that kids are not following bedtime routines and not using the bathroom before bed.

Therefore, we set our target audience to be kids that are within the age of 5 - 8 and landed on the following design challenge:

Initial Design Challenge

How might we motivate children to use the bathroom before bed to prevent bedwetting?

Prototyping as Research

Because we already had a design idea in mind when we identified our problem space, we wanted to prototype and conducting usability tests to determine if it can be developed into a viable product.


Recognizing assumptions

After conducting initial research on children's reluctance to use the bathroom, I formed assumptions about their lack of motivation due to the uninteresting nature of the bathroom experience.

Other assumptions

It's hard to test with children

Children enjoy positive reinforcement

Parents struggle to get their kids to use the bathroom

Bedtime stories can be used to motivate children

Desk research

Since I assumed that the bathroom experience was not entertaining enough to motivate children to use it before bed, I conducted additional desk research on children's behaviors to see what are the motivators I can use to encourage children to use the bathroom.

During this process, I reviewed 5 articles related to children's bedtime behaviors, and I conducted competitive analysis with existing tools such as bed alarm to understand the strengths of those solutions and identify space for improvement.

Primary Research Goal: to collect valuable data to improve my understanding of what is a common motivator for children; to identify opportunities and develop the features required to make the product viable.

Method Rationale: allowed me to efficiently collect data while identifying design opportunities in a timely and accessible way; helped me make informed design decisions and avoid unnecessary work.

Hypothesis: kids don't like going to the bathroom before bed because its experience is not fun enough to motivate them.


Use light shows to motivate children

Use voice assistant to provide instructions

Add limitations to prevent any disruption to children's sleep

The team created a bathroom wall with a light show to simulate the experience

I created a bed alarm prototype to demonstrate the disadvantage of it in our next step

The team compiled all of our findings and brainstormed the structure of the design to address the identified opportunities.

Overall process

Video Prototype

WoZ Prototype

Mid-Fi Prototype

Final Prototype

Video Prototype

For video prototype, I was responsible for creating the video props, sketching wireframes, setting up the space, co-shooting the video, presenting our ideas, and collecting feedback from our peers the next round of iteration.

Primary Research Goal: to gather feedback on two intervention methods in order to determine the optimal approach for our design.

Method Rationale: provides opportunity for us to embody ourselves and imagine how children will interact with our designs; it enables timely and cost-effective evaluation of the user experience prior to implementation.

Hypothesis: the voice assistant instructions in our design are cohesive and interconnected, allowing users to seamlessly comprehend each step.


We need to minimize the steps included in our design to avoid confusions

Going with narratives instead of fun facts

The concept of an interactive world map needs to be further tested

Ackowledge children's diverse interests

Interactive high-fi prototype

When building the WoZ prototype, I was responsible for creating the world map prototype, developing our study plan & session guide, soldering all of the wires, and testing all the connections to simulate feedback.

Primary Research Goal: to assess parent involvement and interactions during the user journey while evaluating the clarity of our designed components for a child's understanding.

Method Rationale: examines user interactions and behavior through manipulated input, fostering open-ended engagement, and gathering insights on the response to our envisioned technology prior to implementation.


  • The bedtime story will motivate children to use the bathroom

  • Lights can capture children's attention, initiating their engagement with the voice assistant

  • Children can understand and follow voice assistant instructions

  • Children can comprehend the "world map" concept

  • Positive reinforcement promotes a sense of accomplishment and serves as a motivator for children to use bathrooms before bed


Our design should enhance the bonding experience of parents and children during bedtime stories, not substitute it

The "world map" concept had to be redesigned

Lights could become a distraction for children before bed

Positive reinforcements brought joy to children

The number of interactions still needed to be reduced

Safety was a big concern for parents


After talking with those parents, the team discovered numerous inconsistencies in our user flow and realized that addressing bedwetting as a problem space required a thorough understanding of medical factors.

We reconsidered our problem space and conducted another two interviews with parents about the parenting issues they face before their kids' bedtime. Upon data analysis, a particular quote stood out to us:

"The sleep routine, there's a routine. For my son, you can't just pick him up from whatever he was doing and take him to the bathroom"

"The sleep routine[…]there's a routine. For my son, you can't just pick him up from whatever he was doing and take him to the bathroom"

In relation to the findings from the Woz Prototype testing, my team discovered that parents preferred structured routines for their children right before bedtime. With this finding, we refined our design challenge:

Refined Design Challenge

How might we help kids build, structure, and keep track of bedtime routines?


To address this new design challenge, my team re-ideated 10+ ideas.

The team discussing about potential checklist ideas

By connecting all of our ideas to the significance of routines in families, we were able to settle on the concept of creating a checklist to help children structure their bedtime routine, and these are the key features we determined that our checklist should have:

Fun Form Factor

We want to design a screen-less form factor that is suitable for pre-bedtime use and appealing to young children.

Simple Interaction

A child-friendly interaction that is easy to understand and use.

Delight Factor

Include a small element of delight to encourage and motivate children when they complete a task on the list.

Enticing Feedback

Providing fun and enticing feedback to encourage children to complete a task and check an item off the list

Interactive Mid-Fi Prototype

Interactive Mid-fi Prototype

When building the mid-fi prototype, I was responsible for ideating, sketching wireframes, building low-fi prototypes, developing our study plan & session guide, documenting the process, soldering and connecting wires, and building the MVP prototype.

Primary Research Goal: understand how participants perceive our new checklist design, as well as test its usability; identify potential areas for improvement before building our final prototype.

Method Rationale: allows us to quickly collect input and discover areas for development, directing us to a better path and uncovering underlying issues that we may have overlooked when ideating.

Hypothesis: our design will be perceived as something that is easy to interact with, and it will motivate children to complete the tasks assigned on our designed checklist.


The theme needs to be customizable to suit different children's interests

Learned that participants perceive our design as something that is simple and meets the needs of parents

Interactive High-Fi Prototype

We kept the core concept of the previous prototype while improving its appearance and quality in this iteration, and we introduced new features such as customizable themes and tasks.

During this building process, I was responsible for constructing study plan, collecting materials, building prototypes, setting up electrical connections, and designing the hanging board to connect different tasks.

Primary Research Goal: understand how children perceive our checklist design and interact with it. As well as understand parents' perception on how they think of our design (wether it's useful or can become a distraction)

Method Rationale: allows us to collect input from both parents and children and discover areas for development efficiently; directing us to a better path and uncovering underlying issues that we may have overlooked that are important from both the perspective of children and parents.


  • The checklist will not become a distraction for children's before bed

  • Children will understand how to check off a tasks with the tapping function we designed

  • Parents will understand how the current design provides customizability

  • Children will enjoy the fun facts provided by our design and be motivated to finish the tasks

Outcomes & Design impact

Parents liked the customizability of writing their own tasks for their children

The checklist helps parents add structure to their children’s bedtime routine

Most parents liked the aesthetics of the form and don't see it as something that is distractive for their children

final design

Interactive Mid-fi Prototype


If we had more time, I would…

Conduct more research so we can understand the problem space better before prototyping

Conduct usability testing of our final prototype in a child's bedroom

Spend more time to structure the testing sessions with children

Conduct co-design sessions with children to better understand what motivates them

What I learned

Try to iterate on the gained knowledge and prototype before pivoting

Ideation and research go hand in hand

Design can be utilized as a form of problem setting

Testing with and designing for children is challenging, and it is important to acknowledge the assumptions we made along the way

It is ok to be "good enough" and move forward when we are stuck